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EER coordinates a Round Table in the 6th International Conference of EEPEK

Writer's picture: EEREER

EER has succesfully fulfilled the promise to coordinate a round table in the 6th International Conference of EEPEK:

Hereby is listed the topic and program of the Round Table as it took place in 18th October 2020 virtually:

1. Speech, Language and Communication Disorders: Timeliness, Reflections and Suggestions
Coordinator: Eleni Kavazidou, Msc, PhD

1.1. The role of education in quality of life of people with communication irregularity. The case of the Panhellenic Festival of Inclusive Culture «Deaf and Hearing People in Action».

Dr. Eleni Kavazidou & Andreas Kalaitzakis

Eleni Kavazidou, Msc, PhD was born in Aschaffenburg, Germany and speaks English, German, Italian and French; she has adequacy in Greek Sign Language, MAKATON language system, Braille writing system; and sufficiently PECS system of communication. She is specialized in Dance/Movement Theray and still develops her skills in body language semiotics. She is a senior researcher activated in several Institutes, Project Manager in European Projects of Erasmus+ KA1, KA2 and ESC projects & national funds. She is a Teacher of Physical Education, occupied in School Education of public sector (Ministry of Education & Religion, currently in Chania Region, Crete). Member of the Skillman Network.

Mobile: +30 6936 597 376 & +30 6906 98 22 44 | Email: 

Andreas Kalaitzakis is a resident of Chania, deaf, graduate of the National Foundation for the Protection of the Deaf (now-on “Center for the Protection of the Deaf”, Ampelokipi, Athens). He was taught the Greek Sign Language (SL) and was active from a very young age for SL dissemination and recognition. He was a merchant, now retired and is a self-taught Visual Artist / Decorator. He has also worked as an actor (Diachrono Theatro MAIRIS VIDALI) and performer in dance theater events (Dancetheater Dept of the Cultural Organization of Macedonia Thrace “ESAI EN ROI”). He was a trainer at NELE Chania; in charge of mobility networks for the deaf and hard of hearing; an interpreter and TV presenter at “NEA TILEORASI KRITIS” and a founding or regular member with distinctions in various sports clubs, with remarkable achievements until recently. He is a founding member of the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Crete (Association of the Deaf of Chania “SAMARIA”, 1984-) in which he served as President 7 times and now on - member of the Board with increased duties. From 2003 until today he is President of the Club for the Dissemination of Sign Language and in 2013 co-founder of the Festival of Inclusive Culture DEAF AND HEARING people IN ACTION. He is an active member of the Association of the Disabled of Chania and Counselor of the Federation of the Deaf in Greece (OMKE).

Mobile: +30 6973 379 504 | Email:

1.2. The role of prevention in hearing health and implications for educational innovation and practice.

Dr. Dialechti (Dalia) Tsimbida

Dalia Tsimpida is a final year PhD Candidate in Audiology at The University of Manchester, Doctoral Research Fellow of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Her research focuses on socioeconomic inequalities in hearing health, based in the Centre for Primary Care and the Institute for Health Policy and Organisation (IHPO). She holds a first degree in Psychology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc in Health Policy and Health Services Planning. Delivering world-class research, she has been awarded several honours and awards, both in Greece and abroad, and she develops an international reputation in the field of audiological research. In 2020 she received the International Society of Audiology (ISA)Scholarship for her pioneering research findings on prevention and early detection of hearing loss in primary care. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as JAMA,BMJ, BMC, and others.

Mobile: +44 0737 659 38 87  | Email:  

1.3. The Integration of Deaf students in Italian HEIs

Prof. Enrico Dolza, Sofia Mastrokoukou, PhD(c) & Andre Karl Ebouaney

Enrico Dolza, Director of the Institute of the Deaf, Adjunct Professor at the University of Turin.

PhD in Special Education. Principal and supervisor of educational activities and projects in charge of cultural, social and educational services for the Deaf in the Turin Institution for the Deaf since 1997. Adjunct professor of “Special Education” at Turin University in the faculty of Education Sciences. Author and co-author of several papers about deafness and language. Project manager and researcher in several European Projects. Co-author of the ebook: “International Signs: A practical kit”

Sofia Mastrokoukou, Researcher at the University of Piraeus, PhD Candidate at the University of Milan-Bicocca. Sofia Mastrokoukou is conducting her PhD in Sociology at the University of Milano (Bicocca). Additionally, she has MSc in Public Policy and Social Change (Collegio Carlo Alberto), a LaureaMagistrale in International Studies from the University of Turin, a Master of Arts in Vocational Learning from the Open University of Cyprus and a Master of Science (Master di secondo livello) in Educational and Psychological Methods from the University of L’Aquila. From 2016, she works in the Turin Institute for the d/Deaf as a Researcher and Proposal Writer for EU funded projects. Furthermore, she works as Career & Education Counsellor –Disability Advisor at the Career Office of the same Institute. She is responsible for strategic planning and management (organizational and financial planning and control, budgeting, resource allocation, leading human resources, promotional activities). In this capacity, she counsels students, instructs seminars on career orientation and skills development, organizes career fairs, conducts research on youth entrepreneurship and alumni career development, and cooperates with enterprises and institutions involved in employment and entrepreneurship. She also works as Researcher in many European projects at the University of Piraeus (Greece).

Andre Karl Ebouaney, Youth Sector / Volunteering, Vice-President of Ergon a favore dei Sordi . Andre Karl Ebouaney has a Degree in Education Sciences, he is expert in d/Deafness, Sign Language, Migration studies and intercultural learning. He works as a Sign Language Interpreter and Intercultural Mediator. He is involved as Researcher in several European projects at the Turin Institute for the d/Deaf. Moreover, he is responsible for the implementation of European Solidarity Corps projects from the part of the Institute.

Mobile: +39 342 513 39 47  | Email:   

1.4. "Born accessibility as a way towards normalisation and inclusion of all citizens in a democratic and participatory society".

Dr. Pilar Orero

Dr Pilar Orero, PhD (UMIST, UK) works at UniversitatAutònoma de Barcelona (Spain) in the TransMedia Catalonia Lab She has written and edited many books, near 100 academic papers and almost the same number of book chapters all on Media Accessibility Leader and participant on numerous EU funded research projects focus ingon media accessibility. She works in standardisation and participates in the UN ITU IRG-AVA - Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility. She also works at ISO where she is co-convenor of the Immersive Accessibility ISO standard. She has been working on Immersive Accessibility for the past 4 years in a project called ImAc, which results are now further developed in TRACTION ( and SOCLOSE ( She is collaborating with ImAc partner Chris Hughes at Salford University (UK) testing his developments on responsive subtitles in immersive media ( Member of the COST Network.

Mobile: +34 622 751 958 | Email:

1.5. Improvement of professional communication - collegial case consultations

Dr. Manfred Weiser

Managing director of the Vocational Training Centre Mosbach-Heidelberg, where they train young people with mental disabilities in particular. Graduate of College of Education in Heidelberg: special needs education; Teacher Training (State Examination); Graduate of the Educational Science at the Johann-Wolfgang- Goethe-University (Dipl.Päd.). Post graduate Study Course in pedagogy for physically handicapped people. Post-graduate of the Dept. of pedagogy for physically handicapped people (University of Mainz). Career Path: Teacher at different special needs schools up to 1997. Principal of the Erich Kästner School, Neckargemünd (1997-2003); Principal of the Vocational School at the Vocational Training Center, SRH Neckargemünd (2003-2011); Principal of the special needs schools Mariaberg and Executive Director of the A&S gGmbH (2011-); Director of Anna-Wolf-Institut Heidelberg (2015-); Principal of the Hospital Schools, Johannes- Diakonie Mosbach (2015-2016); Executive Director of the Vocational Training Center Mosbach-Heidelberg and Principal of the special vocational school in Heidelberg (2016-). Teaching Assignments: at the Institute of Education in Heidelberg (focus: integration/inclusion of children with handicaps; pedagogical professionalism; history of special needs education; sociology); (with Prof Stadler) at the College of Education in Heidelberg and the University of Heidelberg (Institute for Educational Sciences): “Cooperation of social education and special needs education”, “Pedagogical and ethical views on inclusion”; at the SRH-College Heidelberg Department of Social Education; at the State Institute for School Education, Heidelberg, Department Special Needs Education: Practical Exercises; at the State Institute for School Education, Stuttgart; at the Institute for Education (University of Heidelberg); at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Villingen-Schwenningen, Department Social Management; at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Mosbach, Department Engineering. Instructor: State Academy Comburg: giving seminars for prospective principals and during the orientation week for new principals; further Training at State Academies in Baden-Württemberg, focus: “Challenging behavior in children with mentalhandicaps”. Member of the Skillman Network.

Mobile: +49 622 180 9404 Email: ??

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