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Be a Volunteer in Elsinki, Finland

Writer's picture: EEREER

About Sininauhasäätiö (Blue Ribbon Foundation)

Application (via ESAI EN ROI as sending organization)

For setting your questions do not hesitate to call as at +30 2314 042 342

Sininauhasäätiö defends the rights of the people in the weakest position, for example homeless people, and people with drug or mental health issues. The goal of Sininauhasäätiö is to lower the amount of homeless, strengthen the drug and mental health services, and assist our clients towards being a part of the society. We believe in human dignity and meeting people with respect.

Sininauhasäätiö is working with housing first -principle: everyone has a right to one’sown home, with his own door with his own name. For 60 years Sininauhasäätiö has given thousands of homeless people a home, regardless of drug, economic, ormental health problems or criminal history.

Become a volunteer for Sininauhasäätiö!

Volunteers of Sininauhasäätiö have a priceless value in our clients´everyday life by giving their unconditional love and time. Doyouwant to help the unfortunate ones, while gaining essential work experience and new contacts to your network? Join Sininauhasäätiö´s volunteers.

Sininauhasäätiö offersvariouskinds of volunteerworktasksamongthehomeless, immigrants, ortheotherwisedisadvantagedones. Wearelooking for 2 volunteers for the practical work with our customers and 2 office workers for the fund raising.

1. Customer work

· Working in the shelters for homeless people (welcoming customers, playing games/ arranging differentactions, listening, supporting, givingtime and care, helping in the kitchen, cooking groups).

· Working in the housing units for the homeless people (arranging events/ different actions, listening/ supporting, giving time and care, cooking groups)

· Arranging weekly changing activities for the Sininauhasäätiö customers with other volunteers (Action Thursday -hobby group)

· Sorting donated clothes

· Immigrant work (gym club, events)

2. Office work

· Planning and arranging fundraising campaigns (with the Fundraising team)

· Contacting donors

· Creating marketing assets

· Writing stories or blogs

· Posting in social media of Sininauhasäätiö

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EERco is activated in the field of performing and conjectural arts through activism and volunteering in behalf of enhancing artistic activities, cultural heritage importance and aesthetics in the frames of  life long learning.

Moreover, EERcomt promotes sport & physical activities as a median to support sustainable environment actions and promotes the idea of BEACTIVE for HEALTH".

Since 2019 EERcomt develops plans and projects adapted to the needs KARATASOU park, 50m away from our central office; artistic and sport activities and events of added social value are organized.


Μ: +30 6906 98 22 44

Τ/F: +30 2314 042 342


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