YouthWorker Training LEVEL II (Round II)
Advanced Skills for EERco Youth Workers
Service Description
Service Description The specific training mainly concernsthe advanced level of of being trainde in volutneering topics. Other issues discussed, concernYouth Worker's challenges if coordinating groups of youth that volunteer and are interested in youth activism. There are 2 basic trainings, level I and level II. A Youth Worker shall also be skilled in guiding youth concerning their personal and professional development (YW social mentor, project mentor, project facilitator). Those trainings concern level , 3, 4 & 5 of the process to become an EER certified YW and include several tasks within the association representing EER abroad for attending trainings, supervising several activities and getting significant practical experience.
Contact Details
Eratosthenous 4, Polichni, Greece
EERco is activated in the field of performing and conjectural arts through activism and volunteering in behalf of enhancing artistic activities, cultural heritage importance and aesthetics in the frames of life long learning.
Moreover, EERcomt promotes sport & physical activities as a median to support sustainable environment actions and promotes the idea of BEACTIVE for HEALTH".
Since 2019 EERcomt develops plans and projects adapted to the needs KARATASOU park, 50m away from our central office; artistic and sport activities and events of added social value are organized.
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