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A new season of an international initiative just started with the ZANES award in the framework of our #beactive regular plan!

Writer's picture: EEREER

Updated: Nov 1, 2024

Konstantinos Malachas

ZANES awards
ZANES awards

Distributing awards to those who are due their celebration, pays direct respect to the individual and their work. This gives the recipient a sense of accomplishment in those various milestones and achievements

Under this notion...INSTITUTE OF NUTRITIONAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH honors people who passed their limits and our expectations within the framework of DHIAfest 2024 in which we also participated, as members of the principal coordinators' alliance.

INSR and DHIAfest2024 awards people that conquered an ATHLOS!

The Greek word athlos means "contest or trial", so to be an athlete you had to compete in physical contests. The ancient Greek pentathlon tested warriors' skills in sprinting, long jumping, javelin throwing, discus throwing, and wrestling, none of which are part of today's Olympic pentathlon.The word athletics is derived from the Greek word "athlos" (ἄθλος), meaning "contest" or "task".

Konstantinos Malachas during preparing his speech
Konstantinos Malachas during preparing his speech

The social athlos, the mental or physical athlos is what we honor in our tributes, in favor of people that passed their personal limits and our imagination.

This year DHIAfest2024 honored KONSTANTINOS MALAHAS, an athlet in a paraolympic sport, triathlon for disabled individuals (biking, running, swimming). He is not just an athlet. He is a champion with international recognition. Furthemore, he has a dual career, as a professional athlet and as a dietician. He participates in several seminars and conferences and supports all the respectful activities and actions regarding disability in his island and wider...

We honored him with the ZANES award 2024, highlighting his athlos, his achievements,his ethos, his elegance as a distinguished personality, a social symbol. The name Zanes is the plural of Zeus (DHIAS in greek, the same name with our festival acronym) in the local dialect. Zanes were statues dedicated to Zeus and they were erected with the money from fines imposed by the judges on those athletes who disrespected and/or violated the rules of the Olympic Games.

We hope next year to cooperate with NGOs that would like to support this action and honor people with disabilities that overpassed all the expectations, forwarding a positive message to the whole community about the great things we are capable of doing!

The supervisor of this initiative is the Insitute of Nutritional Studies and Research (

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