The Evolution of Learning: Unveiling the Transformative Shifts in Vocational Training and Employment at SIF 2024
EERcomt Newsletter
Empowering the Next Generation: Youth Volunteers Leading the Transformation of Urban Green Spaces
KA153 CALL for Youth Workers: Be a part of Digital Future; Murzasichle, POLAND
Unveiling the SKYRTALIA Manifesto: What Does the Project Promise?
INVITATION to Youth Workers: EYES Tools Project || SPAIN & POLAND
DHIAsymp2024: An International Round Table dedicated to the voice of people with less opportunities
ESC volunteering opportunity in Bulgaria
National "Creative Youth-Workers Network for Inclusion"
ESC in Kwidzyn, POLAND || OPEN CALL of Akwedukt Association
Invitation for participation to the CRITICAL REFLECTION ACADEMY in Balestrand NORWAY
Invitation for participation in the Creative Youth Workers' Network for Inclusion for Youth Workers: Brasov, ROMANIA
Invitation for participation in the ECOYOUTH: CRAFTINGSUSTAINABLE YOUTHWORK for Youth Workers: Arrouquelas PORTUGAL
Invitation for participation in the Digital Opportunities (DigiO) project for Youth Workers: Horezu ROMANIA
DEUS SIVE NATURA school project: Treasure Hunt in the KARATASIOU Multidisciplinary Park
Invitation for Participation in the 2nd YOUTH NETWORK CONFERENCE regarding SPORTS & ARTS in the 21st century!
Invitation for contribution in Mapping the Social Value of great Greek artists with international impact (SOCIAL BAROMETER)
Invitation for Contribution in KONSTANTINOS THEOTOKIS footprint worldwide
Invitation for Contribution in RALLOU MANOU footprint worldwide
Mapping the social footprint of M. Theodorakis, K. Pratsika & M. Merkouri since 2020.
Invitation for Contribution in MARIA CALLAS footprint worldwide