ESAI EN ROI participates in a NET meeting of the Greek N/A for networking with outher LEAD ESC organizations
EERcomt Newsletter
National "Creative Youth-Workers Network for Inclusion"
Invitation for participation in the ECOYOUTH: CRAFTINGSUSTAINABLE YOUTHWORK for Youth Workers: Arrouquelas PORTUGAL
Invitation for participation in the Digital Opportunities (DigiO) project for Youth Workers: Horezu ROMANIA
Joyfull Leadership KA151-Training Course in Somogyvamos HU - Selected participants
ESAI EN ROI start on being connected with OAZA Academy
EER in a NET-meeting point organized by the GR N/A, regarding NGOs working with disabled
ESAI EN ROI participated in a Thematic Monitoring Meeting for Digital Transformation in EU Programs
ESAI EN ROI in a TOSCA Training Course
EXPLORE Intercultural Learning KA151-Training Course in SWEDEN & ESAI EN ROI participation (Results)
ESAI EN ROI Participation in an N/A Thematic Monitoring Meeting entitled us "Digital Transformation"
ESAI EN ROI coordinates a workshop in the GR N/A campaign regarding ESC "Sparks for Solidarity"
Selected Participants for a Youth Workers' Training on GRAPHIC FACILITATION SKILLS in 19-26.02.2022
Travel around our mind and soul: Training Course 22-29 January 2023 Gyöngyös, Hungary
Spotting Your Blind Sports e+ KA125 | Selected Participants | Gyongios, HUNGARY
DIGITAL REVOLUTION training course for Youth Workers | Horezu, ROMANIA
Invitation for Participation | For trainers and Youth Workers - SZOLNOK, Hungary
Condolences letter in memory of Fachantidou-Tsiligiroglou Anna, important figure of EERcomt members