No age limit
Mobility (10 days), during: 08.08.2021-17.08.2021 (excluding travel days). Location: Horezu, Vâlcea County- Romania
Application: https://forms.gle/grW9SRAKA7WyrVMZ7
The mobility will take the form of a seminar attended by 48 youth workers, representatives of 12 organizations from 12 countries (Romania, Bulgaria; Netherlands; Greece; North Macedonia; Poland; Portugal; Estonia; Italy; Turkey; Lithuania; and Spain .)
We live in a digital era that is constantly evolving. Parelel with this, more and more cases of exclusion, isolation, inappropriate behavior are recorded among young people. Society, especially young people, does not cope with so many changes. Causes can be multiple, from indifference to lack of specialized education, and the effects can be dramatic. Using the Internet, tablets, smartphones, cards, have benefits but also risks. This generates behavioral changes, with major implications in particular for young people with an emphasis on those with fewer opportunities. In this context, the project offers to the youth workers from 12 organizations the opportunity to expand their skills in this field in order to streamline the current activities of organizations in support of the social inclusion of marginalized young people by applying non-formal methods and good practices accumulated during the seminar. Digital Revolution (DIGI) proposes the following objectives: • Illustrating the risks of digitalization, through concrete examples (12 case studies) for a profound understanding of the pattern of behavior of young people in situations of social or professional exclusion; • Illustrating the opportunities for digitalization by acquiring 12 methods of using new communication technologies by the 4 participants / NGOs, in order to reach the marginalized young people through non-formal methods (previous experiences /exchange of good practices). • Improving competences in the field marginalized young people inclusion through the exchange of good practices for risk prevention, identifying opportunities and implications of digitization, 48 youth workers from 12 international organizations. • Applying the acquired methods from the seminar at the level of their own organizations in order to increase the efficiency in the social and professional inclusion activities of the young target group, on digitalization.