sai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia-Thrace has just entered in the SKILLman Network.
The members of the skillman.eu Alliance has already designed a relevant set of innovative curricula, tools and resources for education and are still fully committed to continue their active involvement in the skills foresight exercises started in 2015. They recently added to their original mission a special attention to the ethical issues launching a large debate among industry, educational institutes and social parts, about the individual responsibility consequent to linking the technological competences to the ethical values.
They finally will to upscale the skillman.eu model, experience, approach and results to a largest coverage and to the systemic level and in particular they aim to:
create innovation in the VET system, finalising the circular approach for the skills foresight in a more mature system and giving tangible results suitable for the publication in the EU Skills Panorama or in other collection systemsimproves existing learning pathways and devises additionally new joint European curricula for professions forecasted for the Advanced Manufacturing sectorrelease curricula solutions and open educational materials for free and open usemakes changes in the VET provisions that are measurableenvisage results and solutions for the VET system that are aligned with the EU standards, transferable and accessible to a broader audience
You can check our Member profile at: