Digital Opportunities (DigiO) project
Training course, 24.06.2024 –02.07.2024 (plus travel days)
Location: Arrouquelas, Rio Maior, PORTUGAL
project number: 2021-1-PT02-KA152-YOU-000012363
Erasmus+ for Youth Workers
Participants: 2 Youth Workers over 18 years of age
Infopack: -
Deadline: 20 May 2024
Training Course
Our main theme is to make youth work and youth life plastic free andis to make youth work and youth life plastic free and environmentally sustainable. Basedenvironmentally sustainable. Based on our local researches, there is a needon our local researches, there is a need
among young people to learn how to protect the environment and create aamong young people to learn how to protect the environment and create a plastic free lifestyle as much as possible. As youth workers and youthplastic free lifestyle as much as possible. As youth workers and youth organisations we consider essential to show a good example for youngorganisations we consider essential to show a good example for young people and make our youth work plastic free. Besides that, we will exchange,people and make our youth work plastic free. Besides that, we will exchange, share and invent new youth work tools and methods on sustainableshare and invent new youth work tools and methods on sustainable development for fighting plastic in youth work and youth life.development for fighting plastic in youth work and youth life.
The overall aim of the training course
To train youth workers and youth leaders on using plastic free tools and
methods within youth work and their lives as role models for youngmethods within youth work and their lives as role models for young
people they work with in daily basis.people they work with in daily basis.
To share and invent youth work tools and methods on sustainableTo share and invent youth work tools and methods on sustainable
development based on the Youth Goal “Sustainable Green Europe” ofdevelopment based on the Youth Goal “Sustainable Green Europe” of
European Youth Strategy "Engaging, Connecting and Empowering".European Youth Strategy "Engaging, Connecting and Empowering". Being able to motivate young people becoming environmentally friendlyBeing able to motivate young people becoming environmentally friendly European citizensEuropean citizens.