POLYMNIS Award KALLIEPOUSA 2020 of honor to GEORGE TSARA. A man ... calm power with a hidden longing for the retrieval of the philosophical life of ancient Greece ... An invisible hero who influenced the artistic life of the city of Thessaloniki, adorning with his geometric "delusions" and visual "optical illusions" three-dimensional masterpieces, different from every aspect, enigmatic, semantically multifaceted. Sculptures from metals and marbles, edited with special aesthetics and enigmatic geometric perspective in the three-dimensional space.

The "Polymnis Kalliepousa" award (for the Visual Arts) comes from the Musa Polymnia (of geometry & historical memory) and Kalliopi (the ruler of the Muses and all the arts). The oldest and most important as a distillate of historical memory, the visual arts, which is and proves the historical starting point of the fine arts (hence art historians know basically and in principle, art history (visual arts) and then specialize in others).