Esai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia - Thrace in cooperation
with "Sonora" Scientific Company of Music therapy & Research are
organizing a tribute in Music therapy open to public introductive seminars
on Wednesday, 14th of November,
from 20:00 to 21:00
Anti-stressful exercises for performers before getting on the stage,
Polyna Kavoura, Music therapist, MA, Member of Sonora Scientific Group
and Greek Music therapy Association (Greece)
from 21:00 to 22:00
"Sounds of body" - body-oriented vocal therapy with dance movement therapy and somatics approach
Alina Belyaeva, music therapist, vocal therapist, vocal couch, member of Kazan Commonwealth of music therapists (Kazan, Russia)
Location: EERco Studio, Kileler 3, Neoi Epivates, Thessaloniki
Contacts: +306936597376 Eleni Kavazidou
on Tuesday, 20th of November
From 18:00
-Lecture about Music therapy History in Thessaloniki and wider,
Polyna Kavoura, Music therapist, MA
From 19:00
Music + Dance events,
from Alina Belyaeva, Music therapist & Eleni Kavazidou, Dance Movement Therapist, Olesya Ilinskaya, student
Location: Thessaloniki City Hall, Leof. Vasileos Georgiou 1, Thessaloniki
Contacts: +306936597376 Eleni Kavazidou
Esai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia - Thrace in cooperation
with "Sonora" Scientific Company of Music therapy & Research are
organizing a tribute in Music therapy open to public introductive seminars
on Wednesday, 14th of November,
from 20:00 to 21:00
Anti-stressful exercises for performers before getting on the stage,
Polyna Kavoura, Music therapist, MA, Member of Sonora Scientific Group
and Greek Music therapy Association (Greece)
from 21:00 to 22:00
"Sounds of body" - body-oriented vocal therapy with dance movement therapy and somatics approach
Alina Belyaeva, music therapist, vocal therapist, vocal couch, member of Kazan Commonwealth of music therapists (Kazan, Russia)
Location: EERco Studio, Kileler 3, Neoi Epivates, Thessaloniki
Contacts: +306936597376 Eleni Kavazidou
on Tuesday, 20th of November
From 18:00
-Lecture about Music therapy History in Thessaloniki and wider,
Polyna Kavoura, Music therapist, MA
From 19:00
Music + Dance events,
from Alina Belyaeva, Music therapist & Eleni Kavazidou, Dance Movement Therapist, Olesya Ilinskaya, student
Location: Thessaloniki City Hall, Leof. Vasileos Georgiou 1, Thessaloniki
Contacts: +306936597376 Eleni KavazidouEsai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia - Thrace in cooperation
with "Sonora" Scientific Company of Music therapy & Research are
organizing a tribute in Music therapy open to public introductive seminars
on Wednesday, 14th of November,
from 20:00 to 21:00
Anti-stressful exercises for performers before getting on the stage,
Polyna Kavoura, Music therapist, MA, Member of Sonora Scientific Group
and Greek Music therapy Association (Greece)
from 21:00 to 22:00
"Sounds of body" - body-oriented vocal therapy with dance movement therapy and somatics approach
Alina Belyaeva, music therapist, vocal therapist, vocal couch, member of Kazan Commonwealth of music therapists (Kazan, Russia)
Location: EERco Studio, Kileler 3, Neoi Epivates, Thessaloniki
Contacts: +306936597376 Eleni Kavazidou