Educational Visits for Performing Arts in Schools & Higher Professional Schools of Orchestral and Dramatic Art | May 14 - 18, 2018
Discussing with People of Art and Culture Discussion with prominent artists in the framework of Vocational Guidance for Children and Young People (visitors to schools are artists who have been awarded the TERPSIHORI award). The visit is based on a decision of the Teachers' Association and relevant information of the relevant Cultural Affairs / School Activities Officer. Before the visit, the artist's biography and a short list of interview questions that were made about the collection of the data, as well as photographic material from the performances and the work of the artist, are announced. During the meeting there is a discussion with the artist, and with the interest of the teacher and the pupils, he can pursue interactive teaching with the supervision and guidance of the Cultural Affairs / School Officer. Educational Visits to Higher Professional Schools of Orchestral and Dramatic Art in the context of Counseling and Vocational Guidance
