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Invitation to Partivipation in European Solidarity Corps Occupation & Social Work Opportunities

Writer's picture: EEREER

Invitation to Partivipation in European Solidarity Corps Occupation & Social Work Opportunities

For the next European solidarity Corps deadline (presumably in February 2019) Familija – Educational and therapeutic center from Škofja Loka, Slovenia (…/volunteering/organisation/930133680_en ) as a supporting and and host organisation with the status of youth center is planning to apply for a new long-term volunteering project named »Familija – Kids in Action 6«, for which we'll need 6 volunteers from different countries. The duration of the proposed project activities is 12 months (August 2019 – July 2020). The main idea of the project is to involve chosen volunteers into the work of 6 daily local care centers for children and youth that exist in Škofja Loka, Slovenia. They all share same target group, children and youth between 8 and 18 years of age (in one of the centers 25), with different problems, who spend their free time aimlessly and in a disorganized way, in idleness and boredom, and who are deprived of normal family life experience. The proposed project is 6th of its kind and it continues the well-established tradition, which started in 2012 when we hosted the first group of long-term volunteers involved in local daycare centers. Selected volunteers will be included in the work of each day care center as equal members of their teams and as such they will have an opportunity to show and improve their own abilities, develop their sense of initiative, gain new skills and gain new knowledge through organizing and realizing different activities (workshops, courses, individual support, sports, games, plays, presentations, lectures). At the same time, they will become familiar with the theory of preventing work with youngsters and within the social care system in Slovenia. Volunteers will also have an opportunity to realize projects within other local partner organizations in order to strengthen their involvement in the local society. You can find some details about the proposed project in the European Solidarity Corps database ( ), the call is also published on FB group EVS & ESC vacancies ( ), but the project itself is described in details in the info letter (…/Infoletter-Kids-in-Action-6-Slovenia). Another useful link might also be the Facebook group of Škofja Loka volunteers ( ), from which you can get a better image of how volunteers' everyday life looks like here. We understand that Slovenia is not the most well-known destination for the volunteers, but based on the experiences of the past and present volunteers we can assure you that it is one of the best. Try to provide this kind of experience also to your candidates, participants, users, members, friends or whoever might be interested in spreading information about our current vacancy to your contacts. Application deadline is 20/12/2018. For the application, we require a candidate's CV and motivation letter, which should be sent to We know that the deadline is close, but the whole idea is to choose the volunteers before the ESC deadline that we can adapt the project to the needs of the selected volunteers before we apply the project. We have this practice for years now and it had proved successful.

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EERco is activated in the field of performing and conjectural arts through activism and volunteering in behalf of enhancing artistic activities, cultural heritage importance and aesthetics in the frames of  life long learning.

Moreover, EERcomt promotes sport & physical activities as a median to support sustainable environment actions and promotes the idea of BEACTIVE for HEALTH".

Since 2019 EERcomt develops plans and projects adapted to the needs KARATASOU park, 50m away from our central office; artistic and sport activities and events of added social value are organized.


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