EERcomt is proud to announce the kick start of the Individual Voluntering ESC program entitled us "Young Active Citizens support Ecological Actions".
European Solidarity Corps brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop and provides a single entry point for such solidarity activities throughout the Union. Thus, ESC fits perfectly to our goals, activities' expectations through hosting ESC volunteers and expected outcomes for us and our society! The current project aims to strengthen social community, to support actions for sustainable environment facilitation and elimination of local community's ecological footprint as much as possible. The capacity of environment is limited and a common issue for the entire mankind is to conserve this limited global environment so that all people can enjoy a healthy life.The right to a healthy and sustainable environment is getting increasing importance in the light of climate change concerns. With fast-changing geo-political situations and ever-increasing conflicts, conservation of the environment has become a critical factor for building and maintaining peace, reducing poverty, maintaining and improving health, and fostering sustainable development. Environmental problems, in developed as well as developing countries, have become more complicated and serious in recent years. Industrial pollution, rise in temperature, changing weather patterns, acid rain, depletion of ozone layer, rise in sea level, outbreak of diseases, species extinction are good examples to prove that environmental health is a global issue that concerns all nations of the world. This program gives youth a great opportunity to work in fields related to environmental protection and sustainable environment without concrete qualification assumptions. Nevertheless, volunteers' interchange enhances the unification of EU people under the idea of quality of life. From EERcomt point of view, ESC should be especially suggested to youth that belongs to a minority with fewer opportunities.

ESC Volunteers are the main beneficiaries of those projects, by acquiring useful experience, skills and competences for their personal, educational, social, civic & professional development, thereby improving their employability.This program gives youth a great opportunity to work in fields related to their interests without concrete qualification assumptions. Nevertheless, volunteers' interchange enhances the unification of EU people under the idea of environmental conservation and international solidarity. From EERcomt point of view, ESC should be especially suggested to youth that belongs to social minorities with fewer opportunities.
The current ESC project will contribute to bring together young people & to build on community empowerement for a common purpose: to get action for protecting their micro-ecosystem and speading out the importance environmental conservation and international solidarity. Moreover, the project offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn from others and develop their skills and competences and provides a single entry point for such solidarity activities throughout the Union. Through ESC participation the involved youth receives a better understanding about the added value of volunteering and is introduced to realities and social needs of different societies in comparison to what they are used to; they will have a chance to learn about the local characteristics of environmental pollutio
n, measures of local and regional community in recycling practices, energy ergonomy and actions to restrict environmental pollution. After the ESC project, there is expected that the volunteers will learn more about how to build on teams for a common perpose, will practive and develop their managerial skills, they will boost their personal, educational and professional development, but most of all, will offer their services in benefit of the society (eco-stability activities, environmental prevention and study local status of environmental status, prevention strategies from environmental threats, etc). Every young person, volunteer or youth worker taking part in a youth mobility project is entitled to receive a Youthpass and Europass Mobility certificates. Finally, European Solidarity Corps Program does not only strengthen opportunities abroad for our European Youth but also supports the capacity building and skills development of our youth workers and youth leaders.
Our first volunteer is Emela Fazlic, a Young student, 25 years-old, from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Emela has been selected between several young peers for her pation, engagement and an interesting profile as it concerns volunteering, sustainable environments and project management. Emela will start on working her project in 15th of November. In 15 of December we will introduce her to the city of Thessaloniki and will give her several opportunities to further develop her skills and take several initiatives leading her own project and supporting our local activities.
Emela, we wish you all the best and to enjoy your journey in YAC ECO project!