EERco is the coordinator of the Deaf and Hearing People Festival. Since 2016 DHIAfest is integrated as a part of the BeActive Hellas activities.
After a two year successful cooperation, BeActive Hellas Council awarded EERco for its achievements in coordination activities of Deaf and Hearing People Festival.

The DHIAfest 2018 has been represented by Nikiforos Kotrides, member of the Organizational Committee.
The achievement concerns all the implicated public bodies and non profit Associations that are implicated; we express our gratitude to your trust and support. We thank everybody for his efforts and promise that we 'll try our best to gain more awards for PREVEZA Municipality.

Moreover, we officially anounce that from now on, in each Municipality that hosts the festival will be nominated a Sculpture, the original of which has been created by Yiannis Markantonakis as a Memento of each new year DHIA festival.