Cultural Heritage Role Playing
A youth exchange based upon intercultural learning and inclusive culture http://esai.gr/eer
OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITIES a) Youth Mobility b) Youth Innovation and Individual Activation c) Acquisition of New Skills d) Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Learning
PARTICIPANTS: youth between 18-25 years old.
THE PROJECT'S ACTIVITIES SHALL SERVE IN -learning by shaRING EXPERIENCES -CULTURAL HISTORY knowledge exchanges -strengthening relations among EU neighborhoods -keeping united -respectful -hoping to a better future -testing personal prospects, hopes, limits and limitations in line with globalization -global, european, national, regional, local commons and differences
THROUGH DISCUSSION CONCERNING -the nations, -the cultures & the traditions (language, politics, religion, history, lifestyle, etc) -AND THEIR ADDED VALUE IN INDIVIDUALISM AND IDENTITY topics.
The proposal is suitable of -reaching out to young people with fewer opportunities, -promoting diversity, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights as well as on projects enhancing media literacy, critical thinking and sense of initiative of young people; -equipping youth workers with competences and methods needed for transferring the common fundamental values of our society particularly to the hard to reach young people and preventing violent radicalization of young people producing high-quality learning outcomes for participants; reinforcing the capacities and international scope of the participating organisations.